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NEW! (12/23/24): Episode 50 is now officially released on the site! ^__^ Remember that NEW episodes will now be published on a MONTHLY basis instead of biweekly!


Check out the Comic Book Shop tab to see what comic books are available on Amazon in kindle, paperback, and hardcover! 


You can unlock Volume 4 (Exclusive) to read all the latest chapters! It only costs a one-time payment of $15 to unlock and all access is YOURS! ^o^


The second option you have is that you can wait for the new releases in both physical comic book and kindle on Amazon as I release them! 

Episode 28 of Volume 4 is the last FREE portion of the series. Volume 1 up to this episode will REMAIN public for your enjoyment.

Unlock Galleries is where you will have the ability to unlock exclusive galleries with one-time payments! OLU Artwork (18+) is a one-time fee of $5 for FULL access to my Erotica Art and Animations! Volume 4 (Exclusive) is the official gallery where you'll be able to keep up with the rest of the pages for this volume for only a one-time fee of $15!

It is NOT a monthly subscription!!!


You can also make a Donation to support my
awesome art journey!

Thank you!!! 

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